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What does watershed mean?

Catskill Mountains. Catskill watershed would be the path or method water comes off of them, where it goes or is channeled.

What does catskill watershed mean?

Catskill Mountains. Catskill watershed would be the path or method water comes off of them, where it goes or is channeled.

Is the Mississippi river a water shed or a ribbon of water?

Since "river" refers to the body of water and "watershed" refers to the land area which drains into the river, the Mississippi River would be a ribbon of water rather than a watershed.

How can a building effect a watershed?

A building will effect a watershed because if you have a building, it will cover up some of the land that was used where the water flows so you would have to redirect the water flow to a different area.

How is it possible for one polluted site in a watershed to contaminate a whole river basin?

Because a watershed is an area where water drains quickly from, and deposits into a river basin... so the source of water for the river basin would be contaminated. pussy is yummy.

Would you cut the number of baths or showers you take in half if you knew it could improve the quality of water in your area?

I would cut the TIME of each one in half. it has the same effect.

What does Catskill mean?

Catskill Mountains. Catskill watershed would be the path or method water comes off of them, where it goes or is channeled.

Why does effective watershed management require the cooperation of everyone in the watershed?

Effective watershed management requires the cooperation of everyone located near the watershed because if one person doesn't cooperate, it would fail.

Why are watersheds are important?

Watersheds provide many of us with our drinking water supply, plus recreational opportunities and aesthetic beauty. Watersheds are areas from which water runs into a public water supply. Thus, much of the water you drink from a public source has passed through a watershed. Because of this, it's important that care be taken to minimize any contaminents that may find their way into a public water supply. A small example of a watershed would be the hills around a reservoir. A larger example would be the portions of Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Washington DC that are designated Chesapeake Bay watershed.

How can you improve the quality of water?

Depends on the aspect of quality that needs to be improved. If the raw water contaminant is chemical that processes such as dissolved air flotation, absorption and sand filtration can be used. If the contaminant is organic, the above process with help also, but the addition of chlorine or other disinfectant would been needed to make the water potable.

How would Ruth gauge water quality?

Ruth Patrick gauged water quality by putting it on a scale.

What are two steps you would suggest to improve the quality of grondwater in your home town?

*allow the rain to seep into the ground.*prevent the surface run off water by planting more trees.*dig ponds and wells to store water