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The suffixes -ess and -ienne are typically added to feminine nouns to denote female gender, while -ix is added to denote a diminutive form. For example, "waiter" becomes "waitress" with the addition of -ess to indicate a female server, while "prince" becomes "princess" with the addition of -ess for a female royal. Adding -ix to a noun like "chat" creates "chaton" to indicate a small or young cat.

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To form a noun from a base word using suffixes, you can add suffixes like -ness, -ity, -ment, -tion, or -ness to the base word. For example, "happy" becomes "happiness" with the addition of the -ness suffix. It's important to consider the meaning and function of the different suffixes when forming nouns.

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You can add the suffix "-ion" to the verb "edit" to form the noun "edition."

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When you add suffixes like -ous, -ly, or -ish to a noun, you are usually modifying the noun to create a new adjective that describes a quality or characteristic of the original noun. For example, "joy" becomes "joyous" (full of joy), "quick" becomes "quickly" (in a quick manner), or "child" becomes "childish" (characteristic of a child).

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Yes, in French, the adjective is modified by adding an "e" at the end to match the noun when it is feminine. For example, "grand" (big) becomes "grande" when describing a feminine noun like "voiture" (car).

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