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chauvet cave paintings

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Drake Rodriguez

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Which is oldest chauvet cave paintings Lascaux cave paintings or Venus of willendorf?

The Venus of Willendorf is a figurine made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE. The cave paintings of Lascaux are 17,000 years BP or before present time.

What was the earliest cave painting and when was it done?

The oldest is Chauvet in Southern France, possibly 32000 years old.

What is the oldest of arts?

Chauvet cave paintings.

The Fayum mummy portraits the Great Pyramid of Giza the Lascaux cave paintings the Altamira cave paintings which is the oldest?

the Altamira cave painting

What is the oldest work of art?

Chauvet cave paintings.

What are the oldest cave paintings?

The oldest known cave paintings are found in the caves of Maltravieso in Spain, dating back around 64,000 years. Other notable examples include the Chauvet Cave in France, with paintings dating back around 36,000 years, and El Castillo cave in Spain, where art dates back over 40,000 years.

Who created painting?

Painting began long before any recorded history, so it is impossible to know who exactly was the first person to paint. The oldest known cave painting is 35,000 years old in Chauvet Cave. Archaeologists discovered tools for making an ochre-based substance that were 100,000 years old in South Africa, but it is unclear if this substance was used as paint or as glue. Even so, there is no evidence to suggest that the inhabitants of the Chauvet Cave or the cave in South Africa invented painting, just that it was invented by that time.

Where are the caves of Lascaux in Africa located?

The caves of Lascaux are not located in Africa; they are in southwestern France. The Lascaux caves are famous for their prehistoric cave paintings, which are some of the oldest and best preserved in the world.

Why does it called chauvet cave who named the work?

The Chauvet Cave is named after the person who discovered it, Jean-Marie Chauvet, in 1994. The cave contains some of the oldest known cave paintings, dating back over 30,000 years, and is considered a significant archaeological find.

What is the oldest statue ever discovered?

It is believed the Venus of Willendorf is the oldest statue ever discovered.Found in 1908 it is estimated to have been made between 28,000 & 25,000 BCE.

How is the Chauvet Cave unique?

The Chauvet Cave is unique because it contains a vast array and unique collection of cave paintings dated up to 32,000 years old which makes them the oldest cave paintings in the world.

What is the earliest cave painting site yet discovered?

The earliest cave painting site yet discovered is in the Maros region of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Paintings found in these caves date back at least 45,500 years, making them some of the oldest known examples of figurative art.