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What action takes the most muscle in the face?

The frowning action.

What movement does the arm make when the triceps muscle contract?

The biceps muscle relaxes!!!!!=)

If enough muscle fibers contract to make the muscle as a whole shorten in length the muscle is said to exhibit contractions?


What chemical element do neurons pour into the muscle fibers to make them contract?

"Caleotidomastusidialis" element maskes the muscles contract.

How do proteins actin and myosin interact to make a muscle contract?

Myosin and Actin

The only tissue in youur body that is able to contract or shorten?

All types of Muscle tissue contract... This includes Skeletal and Smooth muscle tissue.

What is needed for living muscle to contract?

A living muscle needs oxygen in the blood and muscle elasticity to contract and move.

What is the homograph for contract?

A homograph is a word with the same spelling as another word, but with a different meaning and possibly a different pronunciation. So the homograph for contract is contract. A contract (CON-tract) is an agreement between two or more people to perform some kind of specified work. To contract (con-TRACT) has several meanings: to contract a muscle (to make the muscle tense); to contract a disease (to get or acquire the disease); to contract a word (to shorten the word or make a contraction of it.)

What kind of muscle cell contract?

Smooth muscle cells contract in response to fluid flow.

What type of muscle tissue is responsible for constriction?

Please make your question clearer and resubmit. All muscle fibers contract. What do you mean by constriction?

What is muscle protein?

it is tiny muscle fibers that contract and expand the muscle

Will the leg muscle contract when it is removed from the body and you pinch it?

No, as the muscle is dead (it doesn't contract like while the muscle is still alive either). However, it will contract if you give it an electrical "jump."