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Q: Who drew the borders of modern Africa?
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Which the following describes a long term impact of European imperialism in Africa?

European powers drew the current borders, splitting ethnic groups among modern countries.

Why does Africa have so many straight line boundaries?

Many of Africa's straight line boundaries were created during the colonial period by European powers without consideration for local ethnic, tribal, or geographic distinctions. This led to arbitrary divisions that do not align with natural boundaries or cultural groupings, contributing to ongoing political and social challenges in the region.

What continent is ancient rome in?

Most people say that Africa does but africa is the continent acient egypt is in not the continent that borders it. Asia is the real continent that borders it because it's right above it.

Which of the following countries drew the borders of Jordan?

no the ones that drew the borders of Jordan were the leading countries especially great Britain & France & the following country was Jordan

The Indian Ocean borders which coast of Africa?

The Indian Ocean borders the east coast of Africa.

Which country does South Africa borders on the north?

On the north South Africa borders Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique

Why are the borders of the Connecticut districts crooked?

because the pols who drew them were

What is the section of Asia that borders on Africa called the middle?

The section of Asia that borders on Africa is called the Middle East.

What borders madagascar?

Madagascar is an island so it Borders no countries but it is off the East coast of Africa near South Africa

What borders Asia on the north part?

AFRICA borders Asia on the southwest.

Who established African borders of modern African nations?

The Berlin Conference which took place in the late 19th century determined many of the borders of present day Africa. Most of the borders were arbitrary and made little sense relating to potential conflict.

A long-term impact of European imperialism in Africa?

European powers drew the current boarders, splitting ethnic groups among modern countries.