

WHO will give default shell in unix?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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The 'who' command merely tells you the users that are logged in and when they logged in. It doesn't give any more information.

The default shell for Unix can be different for different users; if you are talking about the login shell, then you can find out the login environment for users by either using the 'finger' command on an individual user, or looking at the /etc/passwd file. It will be the last field on each line for each user.

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The a default Unix shell is the shell that comes with and is activated initially with your distribution of Unix. The shell is essentially the program the runs the command line interface allowing someone to interact with their computer. Some examples are the Bourne-Again shell (bash) or the Bourne shell (sh).

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This question is hard to answer because there is no concept of a default shell. Most shell interpreters may be stored in /bin, or /usr/bin, or some combination of those.

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There isn't a concept of a 'default' shell in Unix; you may have a login shell specified by the system administrator for use when you log in. Although it isn't a fool-proof way to find your shell, you could use the command: echo $SHELL or use the 'finger' command to see what your default login shell environment is. You could also 'grep' for your information in the password file because the last field is your login environment shell.

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