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What happens to cold air as it sinks to the ground?

Fog appears when cold air sinks to the ground.

Why does the ground get cold?

Becasue the air gets cold!

What are three adaptations of the pasque flower?

Grows low to the ground to keep out of cold climate

Why is it more comfortable to excerise in a lower hummidity?

air near the ground becomes warm and expands.warmer air is less dense than cold air and therefore the warm air near the ground rises. air near the ground becomes warm and expands.warmer air is less dense than cold air and therefore the warm air near the ground rises.

Which is less dense cold air or cold water?

cold air because when the temperature drops hot air rises and cold air comes to ground level,cold water and hot water have the same density.

What happens when cold air as it sinks to the ground?

it is heated by the ground , and becomes less dense and rises i found that in my science book I'm in 6th grade

Why does the cold air stay close to the ground?

It haves high air pressure.

What does snow do to keep winter cold?

Snow insulates the ground. It keeps the ground below it frozen which keeps the air around it cold.

Why does it become cold as you go to a greater height from sea level?

Sunlight does not heat air very much because air is transparent, so the sunlight reaches the ground and heats the ground. The warmth of the ground can then heat the air, but the air closest to the ground gets heated first. At higher elevation, the air is farther from the ground and receives less heat. Hence it gets cold.

Can cold deserts be found at ground level?

ALL deserts are found at ground level. They do not float in the air.

Does cold air shrink or stay the same?

No; that is why it is called shrink wrap.

Does aroma travel faster in cold or hot air?

It depends what way. Aroma will go upward faster in hot air, whilst cold air will keep it closer to the ground.