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Montag visits Fireman Black because he is seeking information about the past and the true purpose of books. He hopes to gain insight and guidance from someone who possesses knowledge about literature and ideas that challenge the status quo.

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Related questions

Who turned montag into a fireman?

Captain Beatty turned Montag into a fireman. He recruited Montag and influenced him to embrace the ideology of burning books and suppressing knowledge.

What was the purpose of Beatty's visit?

Captain Beatty's visit to Montag's house was to warn him about the dangers of books and to urge him to return to his normal duties as a fireman. Beatty suspected that Montag was harboring books in secret and wanted to prevent any further disobedience.

What page did you figure out guy montag was a 3rd generation fireman?

Guy Montag is revealed to be a third-generation fireman on page 1 of "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. This fact is mentioned in the opening paragraph of the book.

What is the protagonist's job in Fahrenheit 451?

Guy Montag is the protagonist. He is a fireman. He burns books

What does montag do?

Montag is a character in Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451." He is a fireman whose job is to burn books, which are illegal in his society. Throughout the story, Montag begins to question his role in this oppressive society and eventually rebels against it.

Who else turned montag in?

In Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451," Montag is ultimately turned in by his fellow fireman, Captain Beatty, after Montag kills him with a flamethrower. Beatty had sensed Montag's growing discontent with the society they lived in and was aware of his hoarded books.

What is montag's profession?

Montag is a fireman living in a futuristic America where reading and owning books are banned. Members of society only focus on entertainment and immediate gratification. If books are found, they are burned and their owner arrested. Montag's job, as a fireman, is not to put out fires, but to set fire to books and houses.

Why did montag become a firefighter?

because he wanted to follow the family tradition. His father and grandfather were both fireman.

What does the fireman in Seattle do to the mechanical hound in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," the fireman named Montag turns the flamethrower on the mechanical hound, destroying it in self-defense as it is programmed to attack him.

How many books did montag steal and hide in Fahrenheit 451?

Montag stole and hid about twenty books in Fahrenheit 451.

What is Guy Montag's favorite things 451?

In Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451," Guy Montag's favorite things include his job as a fireman, his wife Mildred, and the act of burning books. However, as the story progresses, Montag's beliefs and priorities begin to change.

What happens when Montag touches the muzzle of the Mechanical Hound?

When Montag touches the machanical hound's snout it "wakes up" and begins to approach him. Montag starts to back away slowly. When the dog starts to growl, Guy quickly climbs up the fireman's pole up to the 2nd floor.