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How does camouflage help with the survival of stick insect?

A stick insect is camouflaged by colour and shape to look like a twig when stationary on the branches of a bush.

How does a stick insect protect its self?

By blending in with its surroundings. With camouflage to make itself look like a stick.

Why is stick insect hunting a grass hopper if its a herbavour?

Praying mantids are masters of camouflage like stick insects, so you may have mistaken it for a stick insect. Mantids are carnivorous and will eat other insects.

What are the six animals that use camouflage?

chameleon, stick insect, zebras, snakes, all different types of species:D

The strategy a stick insect uses to conceal itself?

because of its stick shape and color, it blends into sticks, branches, wood, and bark in the nature. this is called camouflage

Can a stick insect camouflage?

Yes it does because the stick insect looks like a branch in a tree or on the ground.If an animal spots it,it uses that camoflage to make it look like a branch and that animal walks away and forgets all about it.

Does stick insect camouflage?

Some Stick Insects can change their color and other can't but they blend in really good they do that to protect them selves from preditors they are also kept as pet alot and can get up to as long as a 1 foot (12")

Are stick insects anorexic?

Many stick insect species are thin, but that doesn't mean they are anorexic - their thin, twig-like bodies serve as camouflage against predators.

What is an insect that looks like wood?

The insect that looks like wood is called the Phasmatodea. The more common name for this insect is a walking stick.

How did the walking-stick insect get its name?

The name is descriptive. Walking-stick insects have evolved a shape that resembles a stick or small branch on a tree. They camouflage themselves by holding very still so they blend in with the surrounding branches on a tree.

What is the largest stick insect?

The longest species in Australia is the Titan stick insect the heaviest is the Goliath stick insect.

Why is a stick insect called a stick insect?

Because it looks like a stick!