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Q: Was Alexander Graham in the Victorian era?
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What important things happened in Alexander graham bell's era?

the phone was invented

Did the Victorians have phones?

In the Victorian period in 1876.It is generally accepted that Scottish-born inventor, Alexander Graham Bell, invented the first practical telephone on March 10, 1876, when, in Boston, USA, he spoke his famous words "Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you."

Victorian inventions and who made them?

A man called Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone when he discovered that he could transmit voice through wires.

Where and when was Alexander Graham born?

Alexander Graham Bell

What did Alexander Graham?

Alexander Graham invented the telephone.

What is Alexander Graham Bell's Name?

Alexander graham bell

Why wernt there any fridges or frezes in victorian times?

The Victorian era lasted from 1837 to 1901 CE. The first refrigerator was invented in 1856 by an American named Alexander Twinning. However they were very expensive so the average person in England during the Victorian era did not own a refrigerator.

What was the era before the Victorian era?

There were a number of eras that were between the Tudor era and the Victorian era. The era were in the following order after the Tudor era came Stuart era and then the Georgian era which was followed by the Victorian era.

Who is the founder of telephone?

if you mean the inventor it was Alexander Graham bell

Was the Victorian times before edwardian times?

Yes, The Victorian era was 1837-1901 and the Edwardian era was 1901-1910 Because the Victorian era is named after Queen Victoria, and the Edwardian after her son who came to the throne on her death

What did Alexander Graham invent for the deaf?

What did Alexander Graham invent for the deaf?

Was Alexander Graham bell handicapped?

Alexander graham bell was not handicapped