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Q: Was Autism initially identified as a disability category under PL 94-142 in 1975?
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What type of disability is autism?

Autism isn't a disability, it is a difference - autism is a spectrum, as such it effects different people in different ways and to different severities, so although some people may face disabilities as a result of autism many don't. As a disability it would be considered a neurological disability.

Is autism a mental handicap?

No, autism is not a mental handicap.Handicap is an offensive term, a more appropriate term may be disability. Autism is a neurological difference, although some Autistic people may be disabled autism is not a mental disability.

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Is autism mental or a disibility physical?

Autism is not mental or physical per say, nor is it always a disability. Autism is a neurological difference - some people with autism do consider themselves disabled because of the way autism effects them, but many autistic people live just like neurotypical people so do not consider their autism to be a disability at all.

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None of the above. Autism is a neurological difference that you either are or are not - how it affects you can be mild, moderate or severe but this can change throughout your life. Autism is known as Autism Spectrum Disorder but this assumes that Neurotypical is the norm and Autism is a fault in a brain that was supposed to be Neurotypical, many people find this offensive and instead insist it is a variation in brains (like race is a variation in skin colour and physical characteristics) not a disorder. Autism itself also isn't a disability, a person with autism may be disabled by their autism or by other people's prejudice or lack of support of their differences, but in itself Autism is not a disability - not all autistic people are disabled by autism.

Does Johnny Depp has autism?

No... why would anyone ask that about him? He is a very quiet man, but he does not have a disability.

Are autistic children disabled?

Yes, a child can be diagnosed both with Autism Spectrum Disorder and a learning disability too. In fact Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is considered a 'cousin' to Autism Spectrum Disorder and is often comorbid with Autism.

Can a 2 year old get rid of autism?

No - no one can 'get rid' of autism. Autism is a neurological difference...the only way to 'get rid' of autism then would be to 'get rid' of a persons brain, which obviously isn't an option. Although autism can be a disability for many it can also be an advantage to many, even if a 2 year old is severely affected by their autism they may improve over time.

Who is the youngest person with autism?

Autism has a genetic component, so people can be born with it. Others are born with a susceptibility to autism that is probably triggered by an environmental factor. So, there are newborns with autism. Usually, autism is not diagnosed until age 2 or 3, but some cases are diagnosed earlier, and some are not identified until much later.

Will you have autism all your life?

Yes, it is a developmental disability which cannot be cured. However, it can be treated with great success and many people with autism lead normal lives as adults.

Will the US military accept someone with Aspergers Syndrome if he or she passes all the tests?

Yes, it is a learning disability, unless they are Asperger's due to Autism. Comment: Asperger's Syndrome is not a learning disability. It is a neurological condition that is part of the autism spectrum. People with Asperger's Syndrome can also have learning disabilities.

Do children with autism get social security disability?

Autism is a spectrum disorder. A few people on the extreme end of the autism scale qualify for SSDI or other governmental programs. The great majority of children or adults with autism spectrum disorder do not receive any support.