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Q: Was Cleopatra the last Greek pharaoh to learn the Egyptian language?
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Why was Cleopatra significant?

Cleopatra was the last Greek Pharaoh, and she was the only one who knew how to speak Egyptian language.

What where major challages of Cleopatra vii?

Cleopatra VII was the last Greek pharaoh and was the only one who learned the Egyptian language.

What language did Cleopatra use?

Cleopatra's native language was Greek; however she was the first in her family to learn Egyptian.

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Why could Cleopatra speak Greek?

Cleopatra spoke Greek because Greek was her native language. Even though the Ptolemies ruled Egypt, they were Greek and kept the Greek language and blended Greek culture with the Egyptian culture (or they tried to).

Could Cleopatra speak Greek?

Cleopatra spoke Greek because Greek was her native language. Even though the Ptolemies ruled Egypt, they were Greek and kept the Greek language and blended Greek culture with the Egyptian culture (or they tried to).

Cleopatra vll is remembered because?

Cleopatra VII was the last Greek Pharaoh and the only one who learned the Egyptian language. She was supported by 2 Roman generals~ Julious Caesar and Mark Antony. When Augustus gained power over the Roman Empire, he declared war on Antony and Cleopatra and defeated them in 31 BC. Augustus arrived in Alexsandria and demanded Cleopatra's surrender. She was too proud to give in and commited succide.

Is Cleopatra Greek but she rules Egypt?

Cleopatra was an Egyptian.


Yes, Cleopatra spoke both Egyptian and Greek. She also spoke several other languages which were all related to Egyptian. She was the first Ptolemy to use the Egyptian language in public.

Was Cleopatra an Egyptian?

No, but she though that she was Egyptian. She was actually Greek.

What nationality was Cleopatra?

Cleopatra, like all of the Ptolomies, was Greek.

What heiratage was Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was of Greek heritage, but her culture was Egyptian.