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Galileo was important because he stated that the sun was center and all other planets moved around it.

Galileo supported the theory of heliocentrism, which was antithetical to the doctrines of the Catholic Church, which maintained that the sun revolved around the earth. Galileo played a crucial role in the Renaissance because he helped to break the tyrannical grip that the church held over common people.

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6y ago

Galileo Galilei was a famous Italian scientist and astronomer who proved that all objects revolve around the sun, not the earth. He supported Nicolas Copernicus's theory. He invented the refractor telescope, discovered the craters on the moon, the four largest moons of Jupiter and phases of Venus. He lived from 1564-1642. He also discovered that no matter the mass of two objects, they both fall at the same speed. He had three children, two were girls.

Galileo also contradicted many of Aristotle's theories.He didn't believe in philosophy, though he perferred using experiments to prove his theories.That's how he found out that two objects of different weight fall at the same speed. Not only did Galileo support Nicolas theory,but he also supported Isaac newton's theory on gravity. Sadly,for contradicting Aristotle's ideas,Galileo was to be on house arrest. When he died,his theories were finally proved correct.

He was the father of modern astronomy.

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13y ago

Galileo Galilee was the Italian scientist who had the theory that the planets orbited the sun, instead of the sun moving around the planets. He also built the first high powered astronomical telescope.

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13y ago

Galileo was an Italian scientist who contributed to the scientific method by conducting coontrolled experiments. his major accomplishments are using the telescope for astronomical observations,formulating laws of motion and popularizing new scientific ideas.

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11y ago

Yes! He was very famous and he invented the telescope, compass, and started to work on many other things during the renaissance. He was VERY famous during the renaissance time.

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