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Yes, to a degree.

This is a qualified yes, in that Houdini disregarded medical advice.

Traditionally, Houdini's death has been attributed to the eye-wittness account of the abdominal blows he received from university student J. Gordon Whitehead. However, a Detroit physician diagnosed Houdini with accute appendicitis and advise Houdini to seek immediate surgical treatment.

Houdini disregarded this advice and went on to his scheduled performance at the Garrick Theater (24 October 1926). During the show he fainted and after being revived continued with the performance despite his 104° F fever. When he completed the show, he was taken to Grace Hospital in Detroit where he was admitted. Seven days later, 31 October 1926, at 1;26 PM, master magician Harry Houdini died of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix.

Because he refused treatment and continued instead with the physical and mental demand and stress of performing, Houdini definitely had a hand in his own death. In a sense, it was his own fault, as in 1926, even two years before the discovery of penicillin, appendicitis was quite treatable.

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Q: Was Harry Houdini's death his own fault?
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