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Q: Was Henry Hudson the first seaman to sail around the world?
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Who discovered and sailed up the Hudson River in 1609?

First EuropeanHenry Hudson was the first European to explore the bay, but the Native Americans knew it was there all along.

Did Henry Hudson get married first or have John Hudson first?


How did the Hudson river get its name?

It's named for Henry Hudson, the first European to explore it.

When did Henry Hudson got to the New York Hudson river?

Henry Hudson was the first European to explore the Hudson River in 1609.

Which country was the first to claim ownership of the area around New Jersey based on the explorations of Henry Hudson?

Henry Hudson sailed for Holland which later became the Netherlands.

Where did Henry Hudson sail from on his first voyage?

from what country did Henry Hudson said from..Henry Hudson sailed for the Dutch, even though he did not speak Dutch

What country was the first to claim ownership of the area around New Jersey based on the explosions of Henry Hudson?

The Dutch claimed as henry hudson who was working for them discovered the land and upon which claimed it for Holland

What was Henry Hudson's biggest accomplishment?

Henry Hudson was the first European to sail up the Hudson River.

When did Henry Hudson become a explorer?

Henry Hudson first became an explorer in 1909! hope this helps u x

What was the name of Henry Hudson's boat?

the name of Henry Hudson's boat was the Dauphine

What has Henry Hudson done great in his life?

Henry Hudson did a lot of great things in his life he was the first European to sail up to what is now is Hudson river

What two bodies of water were first explored by Henry Hudson and were named after him?

The answer is Hudson Bay and Hudson River.