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Q: Was Jesus' mother at the tomb early on the third day?
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Who went to jesus tomb early on the sunday?


Why did Constantine mother go to Jerusalem?

To find the tomb of Jesus.

What were the women taking to the tomb on the third day when jesus died?


Where did they bury Jesus' body?

The Gospels tell us that Joseph of Arimethea was granted permission to take the body of Jesus off the cross and he laid him in a tomb that he owned. Mary, the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdeline also saw Jesus when He was first laid in the tomb. They did not complete the task of preparing the body due to fact that the Sabbath had begun. They had to waite until early Sunday morning but by then Christ had already risen.

How many women viseted Jesus's tomb?

There were two ladies, Mary Jesus mother and Mary Magdalene.

Was Jesus' tomb really empty?

Yes. On the third day after his crucifixion, he rose again, and left the tomb. So it was empty :)

What is resurrection of Jesus?

The resurrection of Jesus christiswhen christ arose on the third day after he was buried in the tomb , that day is called easter.

Who was with Mary at the grave of Jesus?

In Matthew's Gospel, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb of Jesus. An angel met them outside and said that Jesus was risen. In Mark's Gospel, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome went to the tomb of Jesus. The stone was already moved and a young man met them inside the tomb and said that Jesus was risen. In Luke's Gospel, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and other women went to the tomb. Two men in shining garments met them inside. In John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene was alone when she went to the tomb early in the morning. Seeing the stone moved aside, she returned immediately without meeting anyone or looking inside. After the disciples came to look and had left, Mary Magdalene was again outside the tomb when she met Jesus, whom she mistook for the gardener.

Who anoninted Jesus at the tomb?

Jesus was not in the tomb he had risen.

Who told the disciples that Jesus was not in the tomb?

An angel at the tomb told the disciples that Jesus was not there, as he had risen from the dead.

After three days in the tomb jesus rose from the dead?

Yes on the third day Jesus did arise from the dead , just as Jesus said he would, and also as it was told by the prophet.

What day was Jesus' resurrection?

Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday, which is the third day after his crucifixion on Good Friday. This event is celebrated as the most important day in the Christian calendar, signifying Jesus' victory over death and sin.