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Heavens, no. In those days, the people did not leave their cows, sheep, and donkeys outside at night, as there were wolves, wild dogs, lions, and other predators that would eat them.

So, the animals' food trough, called a manger (from French 'manger' [mon-jay] meaning, "to eat") was inside the house with the family that kindly took in Joseph and Mary. (There is no Bible indication of an "Inn".)

The baby Jesus was born near His mom and dad, the animals, and the family who lived in the house. Even on that cold spring night, it was warm and snug in that house, as the animals would have given off plenty of heat.

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Q: Was Jesus laid in a lonely manger?
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A manger was Jesus' crib, for as the angels declared to the shepherds: "and you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manager", which basically an animal feeding troth.

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Jesus Christ was laid by Mary in a manger for a bed. This is mentioned by Luke.

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Jesus's first bed was a MANGER because there were no crib for him to lay in. :( That was so sad :(

Why do you think Jesus was born in a manger?

u have to think about that really good good question though His mother laid him in a manger because there was no room in the inn. The Gospel of Luke does not say that he was born in a manger.

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Jesus was laid in a manger when he was first born. A manger is a trough usually made of wood, stone, or metal that holds food for animals. The displays with the Nativity Scene are fairly accurate.

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We are told that Jesus Christ when He was born was laid in a manger, which is a feeding trough for farm animals.