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Q: Was Julius Caesar a good or bad leader for Rome?
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What is a good title for a Julius Caesar newspaper?

1. Rome's greatest ruler 2. The Leader

What were Julius Caesar's major strengths?

The Roman leader Julius Caesar's strengths were courage and bravery. He wanted to make all citizens of Rome equals and give them a good life.

What are good traits for Julius Caesar?

He was an excellent leader, a strategic leader.(how he made the people think he was humble by refusing the crown). And he cares about the people of Rome. hope this helps

What does the main problem in Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar i being accused of being a political tyrant and the conspirators want to kill him for the good of Rome.

In Julius Caesar who recruits Brutus?

Cassius does: he writes him letters that were supposedly from citizens of Rome telling Brutus he needs to kill Caesar for the good of Rome

What are some reasons why Julius Caesar was a bad leader?

some people would say that he was a great leader. For example, he made life in Rome better. He also conquered lots of places for Rome. but other people say that Julius Caesar was a terrible ruler and he hated everyone. that's why his good Friend Brutus killed him

How did Julius Caesar become leader of Rome?

Augustus Caesar, in the days when he was still known as Octavian, became the leader of Rome by winning the last civil war of the republic. Marc Antony was his rival and Octavian defeated him in the battle of Actium.

Why is Cassius the antagonist in Julius Caesar give an example?

because he killed Caesar out of jealousy and not for the good of Rome like Brutus did

How was Julius Caesar as a management leader?

Not that good, his personality took a downfall after his divorce with Jesus.

Who would have been a good leader of Rome besides Caesar Brutus and Cassius?

Pompey at the time was seen by many as a potentially good leader for Rome.

Tell you why Julius Caesar was a good leader?

because he sorted out every thing that people did wrong LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are Julius Caesar's weaknesses failure?

He was affraid to loose power, therefore he couldn't have been a very good leader.