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Bombing of DublinThe city of Dublin was indeed bombed on the night of 31 May 1941. Four bombs fell on the city (presumably from a single aircraft). Thirty-four people were killed and ninety were injured. Around 300 houses were damaged and destroyed. Germany accepted responsibility and offered compensation (I don't know if it was ever paid or accepted). The high casualty rate and damage caused by just four bombs can be accounted for by the fact that the Irish Republic was neutral and not at war and therefore would not have been expecting an attack and no defensive measures in place to protect houses e.g. taped window glass, sand bagging, etc. In fact, the city didn't even have a blackout.

The reason for the bombing is still a mystery. The usual suggestion that the bomber was lost doesn't really ring true. Dublin is by my guess some 70-80 miles from the border and though such a wide navigational error is possible and did occur in other places we have to remember that Dublin was brightly light up and the crew would have been aware they were over a neurtral city.

Another possible reason put forward was that it was an attempt by the Nazis to force the republic into the war although their apology for the raid seems to count against this theory.

Most likey is that the raid was a quite deliberate one off attack on Dublin as reprisal for the assistance that the Dublin firebrigade had given to the North during the Belfast Blitz earlier in the war - A sort of "we know where you live" threat!

The truth has been finally revealed by the German Air Force, the Luftwaffe were using woman pilots.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Glasgow was never a deliberate target of bombing during WWII. Some bombs did land on the city during raids on neighbouring Clydebank. Those raids took place on the 13th and 14th of March 1941. It is thought that the target was the John Brown ship yards and nearby ordinance factories.

On 13th and 14th of March 1941, German bombers attacked the Clydeside area. The bombing was concentrated on Clydebank though some bombs fell wide of the target. There were 260 bombers on the first night - waves of high-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs and land-mines were dropped over a nine-hour period. The second night, 200 bombers returned. Their bombing raid lasted over seven and a half hours. Over the two days 528 civilians were killed, over 617 people were seriously injured, and several housing schemes were completely wiped out; 48,000 civilians lost their homes.

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13y ago


Despite being in neutral southern Ireland, Dublin was also bombed several times in 1941. This was nothing like the 'blitz' on Belfast but probably just a reminder to the Irish government that they were within reach, should their stance on neutrality tip towards the Allies.

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13y ago

I don't think the Germans bombed Belfast, Ireland during the war. Ireland and North Ireland were neutral nations. It could be the U Boats may have bombed them but they were not bombed by the Luftwaffe. However some German Spies did show up there and operate there.

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9y ago

No, the city of Cork was not bombed during World War II. This city is located in Ireland and as of 2014 there is a population of around 119,000 people.

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11y ago

Dundee was bombed during the Blitz along with Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Inverness

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15y ago

Yes, in London the Blitz lasted for 57 days or nights!

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11y ago

Dublin was bombed just once. Nobody seems to know why but the theory is that it was a warning to remain neutral during hostilities.

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