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No, the illuminati are not real people don't need protecting from something that doesn't exist.

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Q: Was Michael Jackson trying to protect people from the Illuminati?
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Did the Illuminati kill Michael Jackson?

No, Michael Jackson's celebrity and isolation from a normal life, with the help of people who wanted a part of his world are responsible for his death.NO. Michael Jackson's personal doctor/nurse messed up, and he died naturally,but the doctor should have taken care of himThe (real life, not modern imaginary) Illuminati broke up ca. 1785. So it's impossible.There's no such thing as the Illuminati. Fnord.

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Hell No!!! Michael Jackson Was against the satanic faith. And the illuminati he didn't believe getting rich and powerful would be beneficial believing in the Devil. So there you have it Michael Joseph Jackson was not a Devil Worshipper. Just the Greatest Entertainer ever to have lived!!!! Νο way!!......................

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considering how successful Michael Jackson was, yes he definitely had goals. most people have goals; even people who aren't as accomplished as Michael Jackson.

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It's impossible to know how many people are fans of Michael Jackson.

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Michael Jackson is dead, so he is not even capable of scaring people.

Is micheal jackson an alien?

Absolutely not, Michael was a strong Christian his entire life and he was NEVER in ties with the illiuminati, sorry to say but you have read to many Dan Brown books. In real life, no one is part of the Illuminati. They broke up in 1785. All modern Illuminati claims are fictional. Not one of the claimed people has ever been proven Illuminati in a court of law. Some like to pretend otherwise, as it is more fun to pretend the reason you are not successful is that you are opposed by a huge unfightable conspiracy.

What is your conclusion on Michael Jackson's history?

Michael Jackson was know to many people as Michael Jackson passed away we need to remember him in our heart and move on

Why does Michael Jackson kids where Mask?

To protect their identity, to keep them safe and so they could go out with other people unmasked and nobody would know who they were.

Who cares about Michael Jackson?

Practically every1 except people who dont have hearts RIP Michael Jackson

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l Michael Jackson

Who did Michael Jackson leave?

Michael left the people that he know and love.

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Michael Jackson never was able to feel real love. He didn't feel comfortable with ordinary people because they only approached him as he was the superstar Michael Jackson.