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it was written to saddenpeople

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Q: Was O captain MY captain written to sadden or cheer people?
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Related questions

What is a class captain do?

he does cheer people up

What is the opposite of cheerful?

The opposite of cheer as a noun is gloom; of cheer meaning to raise the spirits, sadden; of cheer meaning to encourage a team, boo.

What is the predicate in the sentence My sister is the captain of the cheer-leading squad?

is the captain of the cheer- leading squad

What do you do to become cheer captain?

Be the best cheerleader!

Are the CHEER books AR books?

Cheer Captain is worth 1 point. Cheer Challenge is worth 1 point. Cheer Choice is worth 1 point.

Why was take you out to the ballgame written?

because it was made to cheer people up at the game

Should the cheerleading captain date the quarterback?

The cheer captain can date whoever she wants to date, and same with the quarterback.

How can you be a cheer Captain?

Well, if you cheer for a squad that has an opening for a cheer captain there are a few things that you'll have to show your coach!:)You're trust worthyYou're a leaderYou're a hard workerYou love to cheer!You're dedicatedYou're a good studentYou're responsibleYou don't get into trouble or have issues with fighting with someone else on the squad.You won't act any better than the other girls & you will work just as hard!Remember: Being cheer captain isn't everything!(: You can be just as good of role model without the title!Best of Luck!!!:DCheerdancelove16

What is another word for people who want to help other people to cheer up?


How can you become cheer captain?

step up at practice. dont be too bossy but be assertive and let people know that you mean business. ive been a cheer captain for five years... make sure you know how much responsibility youre committing to, and other than that the best advice i can give you is show youre a leader and can control the team with out screaming and causing drama. good luck

Who partcipates in cheerleading?

It depends on what type of cheer. Competitive Cheer: Tumble people and people who like to participate in competitive sports. School Cheer: People who like spirit and like to wow the crowd and do pep stuff. Anyone can really do cheer, you just have to stay comited.

What has the author Janet Singer written?

Janet Singer has written: 'Cheer leader'