"made a clay boat" is the predicate.
A simple predicate is the main verb without the rest of the words following it. The simple predicate in that sentence is "is".
No. A predicate must have a verb, and a verb all by itself can be a predicate. But there are verbs that are not predicates, and there can be predicates that have much more in them than verbs. Example 1 is a sentence with a predicate that's just a verb.Example 2 is a sentence with a predicate that has a verb and more.Example 3 is a sentence with a verb that is not in itself a predicate. The predicates are in italics. My sister works.My sister works at a coffee shop after school. My sister wants to earn money for college.In example 3, the entire predicate is "wants to earn money for college." The main verb is "wants." "To earn" is also a verb, but it is not the main verb and it is not a predicate. In this case it is functioning as a noun to say what it is that my sister wants (a verbal noun acting as the object of a transitive verb). === ===
There is no predicate adjective in that sentence. In order for a sentence to have a predicate adjective, the verb must be a linking verb. Example: Mary is happy. ("is" is a linking verb, and "happy" is a predicate adjective) In the sentence "Your sister Mary teaches math and physical education at the high school", the verb (teaches) is transitive (a type of action verb that takes a direct object).
No, the pronouns in the sentence are:My, a possessive adjective, used to describe the subject noun 'sister'.her, a personal pronoun, object of the preposition 'to'.A predicate nominative (a type of subject complement) is a noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.A pronoun that serves as predicate nominatives are normally in the subjective (or nominative) case.Example: My sister who gave the record is she.The subjective pronoun 'she' is the predicate nominative that restates the subject noun 'sister'.The noun 'sister' and the pronoun 'her' are the same person.In the example sentence, "My sister gave the record to her.", the noun sister and the pronoun 'her' are two different people.
The predicate in this sentence is "brought our two dogs inside the house." It is the part of the sentence that describes the action that the subject, "my sister and I," performed.
"made a clay boat" is the predicate.
Yes. sister: subject, plays: predicate, flute: direct object = sentence.
A simple predicate is the main verb without the rest of the words following it. The simple predicate in that sentence is "is".
No, "where were you" is a question, not a sentence with a pronoun predicate nominative. A pronoun predicate nominative is a pronoun that renames the subject of a sentence. An example would be, "She is my sister" with "sister" being the predicate nominative.
Let's assume that the original sentence was "You and your sister swim in the pool." In this case, the predicate would be "swim in the pool", while the subject(s) would be "You and your sister". Note: "Your sister and you" is improper English.
The predicate nominative (also called a subject complement) is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.Example: Mary is my sister.(Mary=sister; the noun 'sister' is the predicate nominative that renames the subject 'Mary')
Yes, a predicate is the verb and all of the words related to that verb that follow the verb; there can be more than one predicate in a sentence. The words related the verb included in the predicate can be a noun or nouns. Examples:This restaurant was recommended by my sister. ('was recommended by my sister' is the complete predicate, 'sister' is a noun)The Browns live on this street. ('live on this street is the complete predicate, 'street' is a noun)
No. A predicate must have a verb, and a verb all by itself can be a predicate. But there are verbs that are not predicates, and there can be predicates that have much more in them than verbs. Example 1 is a sentence with a predicate that's just a verb.Example 2 is a sentence with a predicate that has a verb and more.Example 3 is a sentence with a verb that is not in itself a predicate. The predicates are in italics. My sister works.My sister works at a coffee shop after school. My sister wants to earn money for college.In example 3, the entire predicate is "wants to earn money for college." The main verb is "wants." "To earn" is also a verb, but it is not the main verb and it is not a predicate. In this case it is functioning as a noun to say what it is that my sister wants (a verbal noun acting as the object of a transitive verb). === ===
There is no predicate adjective in that sentence. In order for a sentence to have a predicate adjective, the verb must be a linking verb. Example: Mary is happy. ("is" is a linking verb, and "happy" is a predicate adjective) In the sentence "Your sister Mary teaches math and physical education at the high school", the verb (teaches) is transitive (a type of action verb that takes a direct object).
A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames, identifies, or explains the subject of a sentence. It helps to complete the meaning of the sentence by providing additional information about the subject.
The predicate is the action or linking part of the sentence, which includes the verbs and anything that modifies them, basically anything that's not part of the subject. This is called the "complete predicate."Example: "Bob's sister went to school on Tuesday."In this case, Bob's sister is the subject, went to school on Tuesday is the predicate.The simple predicate is only the verb, "went." In the same way, "sister" is called the simple predicate, the one basic noun (or pronoun) that is the subject.Example: "Bob will be leaving tomorrow."In this case, the simple predicate is the verb will be leaving.