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Q: Was Odysseus correct in not telling his crew about all the dangers they would face in the sea?
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What did circe warn Odysseus and his men?

the dangers that he would face at sea that is what circe warned odysseus.

Did Odysseus do the right thing in not telling his men about the monsters?

Calypso told Odysseus that if he did not sacrifice six men to the Scylla he would lose his whole ship to Charybdis. If he had told his men of the dangers they might not have agreed to sail through Scylla's passage.

Why doesn't Odysseus tell his men about scylls and charybdis?

If he were to tell his crew about the dangers that awaited them they never would have sailed.

Which one of these is correct - he is saying or he is telling?

It would normally be 'he is saying', as you would only use 'he is telling' if the sentence is 'he is telling me how to do everything' or 'he is telling me a lovely story'.

Why is it a mistake that Odysseus tells the cyclops his real name?

Odysseus' pride would not allow him to keep his real identity a secret from the Cyclops. However the Cyclops is the son of Poseidon who hates Odysseus as it is. By telling the Cyclops his real name, Odysseus ultimately reveals himself to Poseidon. The Cyclops tells Poseidon who hurt him and Poseidon plagues the rest of Odysseus' journey. Had his pride not gotten in the way, Odysseus would have been home years before.

What is a invalid sentence?

Like telling someone.. "Is an invalid sentence." would be incorrect. "That is an invalid sentence." would be correct.

Does Odysseus attain immortality?

Odysseus is offered immortality and eternal youth by the goddess Calypso if he would stay with her, but Odysseus is drawn by his faithfulness to his wife to refuse Calypso. Odysseus strives to attain immortality, not by living forever, but by gaining a reputation that will have bards telling of his achievements. In this since, Odysseus achieves total immortality. In the since that he lives forever, alas, Odysseus is out of luck. Apparently between the giant cyclops and the feasting he forgot to look for the fountain of youth.

What was roald dahl favourite choclate?

i dont know for a fact but i think it was chocolate trufflesany1 with the correct answer plz post it if i knew it would of said it i am telling you what it said on Google

Why would Athena help Odysseus?

She was the goddess of heroes and she favored, Odysseus.

What are the dangers of the lotus eaters in The Odyssey?

when people eat them it makes them lose their memory, and they can't remember why they would ever want to leave. that is what happened to odysseus's crew. he had to make them fast (not eat), which they cried about, but they finally regained their memory and sailed on.

Why did Athena treat Odysseus?

She treated Odysseus very well. Without Athena, Odysseus would not have made it home.

What is a rhyme for two dangers?

A rhyming phrase for two dangers would be double trouble.