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No dude. its not real.

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Q: Was Paranormal Activity based on true police accounts?
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Why is Paranormal Activity 2 based on a true story and Paranormal Activity is not?

None of the Paranormal Activity movies are based on a true story.

Did meca from Paranormal Activity really die?

No, contrary to what the movie states, Paranormal Activity is not based on a true story.

Does the serires of Paranormal Activity real or fake stories?

The Paranormal Activity movies are completely fictional, and NOT based on true events.

Is 'Paranormal Activity' based or outlined on a real event?

No. Paranormal Activity is a complete work of fiction written by Oren Peli.

Is Paranormal Activity a homemade video?

No it was made by a professional film crew with sets, lights, actors, a script. None of it was home made but it was based on real accounts.

Where can you find the story Paranormal Activity is based on?

Nowhere, since the Paranormal Activity movies are entirely fictional. There is no "true story" behind them.

What is Paranormal Activity based on?

Paranormal Activity is based on the amount of electromagnetic fields in a certain area. Like if you were in a room and there was a high count of electromagnetic fields it might be Paranormal activity. Other things can cause a high count of electromagnetic fields though so just because it is there doesn't mean there is Paranormal activity right there right then.

Is Paranormal Activity really scariest of all?

Personally, I thought Paranormal Activity 2 was the scariest of the Paranomal Activity movies. However, this is really based on personal opinion.

Was the baby from Paranormal Activity 2 found?

The Paranormal Activity series are works of fiction, and are no way based in reality. In the context of the films, no, the child was never found.

Is there an old book about the story in paranormal activity?

It was not based on any books.

Is the movie Paranormal Activity two real?

Paranormal Activity is purely a fictional movie

Is paranoraNormal activity 2 actual footage?

No. Paranormal Activity 2 is a completely fictional movie, as is the first Paranormal Activity movie. Neither of the movies is real, nor were either based on true stories.