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Appointing Jack as the chief hunter was a decision that ultimately led to chaos and division on the island in "Lord of the Flies". Ralph's choice was based on Jack's experience and leadership qualities at the time, but it later proved to be unwise as Jack's thirst for power and competitiveness caused a rift in the group dynamic.

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Q: Was Ralph wise ti appoint jack the chief hunter?
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When did Chief Hunter Jack die?

Chief Hunter Jack died in 1905.

Why does jack feel he should elected chief?

In chapter one Jack states, "I ought to be chief, becasue I'm chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp." In chapter eight Jack criticises Ralph's leadership by say "He's not a hunter. He'd neevr have got us meat." Which by implication means that as Jack is a hunter and has got them meat he should be leader.

Who thought he should be chief instead of Ralph?


Where in the book is Ralph elected chief?

Ralph is elected chief during the very first meeting, which happens very early in the book.

What does jack do during the meeting in LOTF?

During the meeting in "Lord of the Flies," Jack argues that Ralph should not be the chief because he believes he would make a better leader. Jack also asserts that Ralph is not a good hunter, and he suggests that the boys should prioritize hunting and having fun over maintaining the signal fire. This meeting marks the beginning of the power struggle between Jack and Ralph.

Who assumed the role of Chief in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph is elected as the chief but Jack assumes the role of chief of the hunters.

What was Jack's response when Ralph gets to be chief?

he is mad because he wanted to be chief. it is pretty obvious.

Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from giving up his position as chief?

Piggy is fully aware that Ralph is the only thing that is preventing Jack from becoming chief. Piggy knows that if Jack does become chief all hope of rescue will disappear because Jack will only bother about hunting and the signal fire wil be forgotten. Piggy is also fearful for his own safety.

What were the two reasons why Jack said that Ralph was not a good chief?

After lying and teling the assembled boys that Ralph has called the hunters cowards and that Ralph is a coward himself Jack then says, "He's not a hunter. He'd never have got us meat. He isn't a prefect and we don't know anything about him. He just gives orders and expects people to obey for nothing."

What functions do Ralph and jack serve in lord of the flies?

As chief(leader).

When did Ralph and jack begin to dislike each other?

Ralph and Jack never liked each other. Once they met and Jack wanted to take the power from Ralph there was instant friction between the two. It's was obviously Ralph's job to be chief and Jack just expected to get it instead of Ralph.

Who is chosen to be chief in Lord of the Flies?

The vote was between Jack and Ralph. When all the boys voted they chose Ralph as their leader. :)