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Q: Was Reagan a democrat during the time he governed California?
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Was Ronald Reagan a demacrot?

In the beginning, yes he was a Democrat. He supported FDR and the new deal, but during the 1950s, he switched from his liberal ideas and became conservative. He was a Republican when he entered the Presidency.

Who was the president during the Iran-Contra scandal?

Ronald Reagan.

In 1932 Ronald Reagan voted for New Deal creator Franklin Roosevelt but by the 1950s he was?

Before becoming President, Ronald Reagan switched his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican. Shifting priorities of the parties during the 1950s inspired him to do so.

Which statement is falseThe national debt dropped significantly during the Reagan years?

The national debt dropped significantly during the Reagan years.

Who did Reagan support int he 1932 election?

Franklin D. Roosevelt. Reagan was a moderate/liberal Democrat until he met Nancy Davis, whose father was an important figure in the Illinois Republican Party, and under whose influence Reagan became more conservative. He would not become a Republican until the early 1960s but during the 1950s voted for GOP candidates for president.

Who was president during the Iran constra scandal?

President Ronald Reagan

The Iran-Contra Affair occurred during the Reagan administration?

The iran-contra affair occurred during the Reagan administration

Who was president during the Iran-Contra Scandal?

Ronald Reagan was the president during the Iran-Conta scandal.

Who was president during the Iran contra?

Ronald Reagan.

What elements of the American economy dropped during Reagan's first term in office?

Inflation was dropped during Reagan's first term in office.

When was Ronald Reagan most famous?

During the 2008 presidential election campaign. See: "what would Reagan do?"

Did Ronald Reagan went to military?

Reagan worked stateside during WW2 making films for the army.