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He felt neutral about the issue but didn't want them to have equal rights.

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Q: Was Stephen Douglas anti or pro slavery?
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Stephen Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. This act opened the area of Kansas and Nebraska to which of the following people?

pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups

How were Douglas and Lincoln different?

Lincoln was anti-slavery and Douglas was pro-slavery. Both men were backed by business interests.

How was the issue of slavery to be decide in Nebraska and Kansas?

In 1854 , Senator Stephen A. Douglas prosposed a bill that would divide the Nebraska territory into two terriotories - Nebraska and Kansas .

What is pro-slavery and anti slavery?

Pro-slavery is being in favor of slavery, while anti-slavery is being against slavery.

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What is the difference between pro slavery and anti slavery?

people who accept the slavery are pro slavery and people that doesnt accept it are anti slavery

Was Lincoln pro or anti slavery?

He was obviously pro-slavery.

Lincoln gained national fame debating?

Abraham Lincoln, who was relatively new to the national political scene, gained widespread national fame from his series of debates with Stephen Douglas, his opponent in the Illinois Senatorial race. Douglas, a proponent of States Rights, and pro-slavery Democrat, battled Lincoln, an anti-slavery Whig.

Were Mark Twain's parents pro-slavery or anti-slavery?

They were anti-slavery.

Why did Stephen Douglas's atempts to shove aside the conflict over slavery fail?

Douglas failed to realize the enormity of the slave issue as well as opposition of slavery in the north. He opened the issue of letting states decide for themselves whether they should allow slavery. After slavery was voted in, a bloody insurrection between pro and anti slavery groups came about in Kansas. Douglas denounced the use of his rhetoric for political purposes and denounced President Buchanan who recognized Kansas as a slave state.

Was Olivia Langdon Pro slavery or anti slavery?

anti slavery. She was born to an abolitionist family.