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I agree with Charlie. Who do we refer to as Americans in this case? If you are asking in regards to the Native American, or American Indian side, the answer is a resounding yes! Custer did not wait for his reinforcements and only succeeded in slaughtering his men. He took approximately 300 men, if memory serves serves - fewer- up against an encampment that is estimated to have ranged between 5-10,000. With that mAny inhabitants, the number of young and able bodied men would have greatly outnumbered Custer's band of men. When I was at the battlefield last, I believe the report reflected that the anger of those in camp was evident in the damage done as even some women and elders came out of the camp to inflict harm to Custer and his men.

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9y ago

Which side do you call " the Americans" in that one. -I always thought the Indians were the first 'Americans'. - But then I'm only an African, what do I know.

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Q: Was The Battle of Little Bighorn was a military success for the Americans.?
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It hinges on the definition of clash. The last major battle was The Battle of the Little Bighorn. After that, the last major encounter was Wounded Knee which was more of a massacre than a battle

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Uylesses S. Grant was the American president when the battle of little bighorn took place. Part of the reason there was conflicts with settlers and Native Americans was the fact that Grant had ordered Native Americans to settle in designated reservations.

What was Custer's impact during the Civil War?

He had taken risks which led to success, up until The Battle of Little Bighorn.

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the battle of the little big hornAnswer:The battle on June 25 and June 26, 1876, near the Little Bighorn River in eastern Montana Territory goes by different names:European Americans call it The Battle of the Little Bighorn -also known as Custer's Last StandNative Americans call it the Battle of Greasy Grass Creek

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General George Armstrong Custer and much of his family and all his men were killed by Native Americans under the leadership of Sitting Bull at the battle of the Little Bighorn.

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The Battle of Little Bighorn, also known as Custer's Last Stand, was a conflict where the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne tribes defeated the US Army. In contrast, the fighting at Wounded Knee was a massacre in which the US Army killed over 200 Lakota Sioux, mainly women and children. The Battle of Little Bighorn involved a more organized Native American resistance, while Wounded Knee was a tragic example of excessive force by the US military.

Is also known as the custers last stand?

Battle of the Little Bighorn.

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Battle of the Little Bighorn happened on 26-06-25.