

Was Warren G. Harding ranked best or worst president?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Was Warren G. Harding ranked best or worst president?
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What is something important that Warren G. Harding did?

nothing he did nothing important he was the worst president ever

Do you like Warren Harding?

No because he was one of our very worst presidents

Why is Andrew Johnson the worst president in US history?

President Andrew Johnson is generally not thought to be the worst president in US history. In a 1962 historians poll, which ranked 31 presidents from "Great" to "Failure," Warren G. Harding was ranked last, Andrew Johnson was ranked 23rd. He repeatedly opposed the Reconstruction policies of congressional Radical Republicans who wished to humble and subdue the South. Andrew Johnson, however, lacked the political savvy and leadership abilities of his predecessor, Abraham Lincoln, and was continually thwarted. He was the first president to be tried for impeachment, on the grounds of "High crimes and misdemeanors." See related links

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Do you like Warren G. Harding?

No because he was one of our very worst presidents

Why does people say that warren is the 2nd worst president?


Which president's friends let him down while he was in office?

Warren Harding's friends probably were the worst at embarrassing the President both in number and degree. Many of the presidents have had at least one old friend who exhibited questionable behavior when put in a responsible position.

Who was the worst president in the us history?

it is hard to say who the worst president is but here is the list of the bottom enntries James Buchanan Andrew Johnson Franklin Pierce Warren G. Harding Millard Fillmore George W Bush Herbert Hoover Martin Van Buren Zachary Taylor John Tyler

Is George H. W. Bush the worst President to date?

No, some people would think that Richard Nixon was (resigned over dirty tricks and spying).Warren G. Harding had only 2 years as President (1921-1923), and his administration was marked by numerous scandals involving friends who received political appointments.There are many official lists by numerous sources that list the best to worst president. Best is always Abe Lincoln and worst is usually Harrison, Harding some others.. Bush averages around 36 to 38 of the 43 past presidents, that is obviously no accomplishment.

Was Warren G. Harding one of the best presidents?

Rated by the historians in the "worst" category is, you guessed it, Warren G. Harding: a president who successfully promoted economic prosperity, cut taxes, balanced the budget, reduced the national debt, released all of his predecessor's (Wilson's) political prisoners, supported anti-lynching legislation, and instituted the most substantial naval arms reduction agreement in world history. Go figure.

What was president Warren G. Harding contributions?

Harding is routinely listed among the worst presidents in history, based mostly on the bribery scandal during his brief administration; his widow destroyed the majority of documents from the period. Since the 1970s, however, the view of him has improved, with historians noting his successful negotiation of naval arms reductions after WWI, fiscal responsibility, and relatively progressive ideas on civil rights.

Worst presidents ranked worst to best?

There are some published lists and they vary according to the criteria used. Buchanan generally seems to be considered the worst along with Harding and Andrew Johnson. Lincoln gets the top spot with Washington and Franklin Roosevelt vying for second and third.