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No, it wasn't. Wisconsin joined much later.

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Q: Was Wisconsin the first second or third state to join the union?
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None of these. Florida was the 27th state to join the union.

Can third cousins get married in Wisconsin?

Third cousins can marry in all states of the United States. Abut half the states forbid marriages of first cousins; none forbid marriages of second cousins.

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Second largest is Texas. Third largest is California.

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He is a third person. I might be speaking about him to you. I am first, you are second, he is third.

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California is the top producing milk state. At well over 40,000 pounds per year, it produces about 30% more milk than second place Wisconsin. New York is third.

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It depends what electronic state it's found in, but in it's ground state (natural form) it has two electrons in the first shell, eight in the second and none in the third. This is because it has an atomic number of 10. 2+8 = 10.

What are the first second and third syllables of library?

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