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Q: Was agriculturallife in the taiga difficult because of the short growing season?
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Why is farming been difficult in Russia?

Because of the short growing season, not enough rain, and lack of good soil.

What is unique about Californias growing season?

California's growing season is unique because is all year round.

Why is the southeast's growing season longer than the northeast's growing season?

This is because the southeast is closer to the Equator.

Why is farming difficult in Russia?

Short growing season, Insufficient rainfall, and lack of fertile soil make farming difficult.

What difficult did the pilgrims face at Plymouth?

Harsh winters and a short growing season and diseases :(

What in New England made farming difficult?

The weather is what made farming in New England difficult. Winters are harsh, and the growing season is short.

What made farming in the north so difficult?

Harsh weather, hard ground, short growing season

Because of the stony soil and short growing season farming was to the economy of New England?

nonexistent Because of the stony soil and short growing season, farming was _______ to the economy of New England.

Did Cheyenne have a growing season?

Did the Cheyenne have a growing season

Will the growing season be shorter because of global warming?

Might be two growing seasons, with drought separating them, if we are unlucky.

What is a sentence for growing season?

I planet tomatoes for growing season.

Why are agricultural products hard to grow in northern Alaska?

because its cold