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yah she had a trick shoulder... i read a book about her called Shadow Life and it said that she liked to impress and show off to her relatives by showing them her shoulder

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There is no evidence to suggest that Anne Frank was able to pop her arm out of its socket. Anne Frank's diary, where she documented her experiences during World War II, does not mention anything like this happening.

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Q: Was anne frank able to pop her arm out of her socket?
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What joint connects the arm and shoulder?

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If the joint between your arm and shoulder was not a ball and socket joint, you could not be able to move your arm. Ball and socket joints allow you to move in most directions. Because of this, you can move your arm up, down, side to side, front and back, and around in a circle. The ball and socket joint is one of the four major kinds of movable joints. (The four major joints are ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and pivotal joints in case you didn't know.)

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It isn't. The hip socket is deeper than the shoulder socket. The shoulder socket is shallow to ensure a broad range of motion of the arm. The deep hip socket is for stability of the leg.

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