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Not really, but i don`t know where they got the dead elephant for the scene in the massai village, where the ranger "Stan" had shot one big elephant to protect the village. Later in the film this dead elephant has been discovered as the mother of the first of the three baby elephants, "Tembo".

But one of the actors, the indian (Bruce Cabot), was really badly hurt when they try to catch the rhino in the beginning of the movie. When you look sharp at the scenes, you can see that this is actual in the movie. And it wasn`t planned, of course. When this accidently happened, they wrote the following scenes about "rescueing" and recovering of the indian in the script and filmed it after Bruce Cabots return from the hospital. I`ve got this information from Hardy Kruger personally after a theater performance by him in his first theater play written by himself a few years ago.

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