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no he did not because he is the bad guy

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Q: Was captain Rex promoted to commander in star wars clone wars season 5?
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Is it better to be a clone commander or a clone captain?

Its Better To Be A Clone Commander

In Star Wars who is captain fox?

Actually, it is Commander Fox, not Captain.Anyway, he is a clone commander in the Republic army.

Who is anikens first in command of the clones?

Captain Rex in the beginning of the clone wars and Commander Appo at the end.

How do you take control of a clone army in Lego star wars 3 the clone wars?

you have to be playing as a commanding clone like captain rex or commander cody etc then press circle (for PS3) when near a clone army.

Is commander fox in the clone wars?

Yes, he's in the movie and in episode 22 of season 1.

Who would rather win in a dual commander Cody or captain rex in Star Wars the clone wars?

captin rex

What episode of star wars the clone wars is commander wolf in?

Commander Wolffe isn't in the Episodes he's in the animated series

Is clone commander fox in the clone wars tv series?


Who has a higher rank Commander Cody or Captain Rex in Star Wars?

in the clone ranking system , commander is higher because capatains lead companies of 144 men and commanders lead battalions of 576 men.

What is the names of the different clone in Star Wars?

Commander Cody Captain Rex - CW Commander Fox - CW Those are just the three main clones. There are so many clones, that I doubt that we know all their names or their numbers.

What is the code for clone Commander Cody on the clone wars game?

ya beat griovis

Where is clone commander fil?

He is no longer in the clone wars because he is dead. He was killed by Gor.