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No, Humpty Dumpty was not. Only Tweetle Dee, and Tweetle Dum.

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Q: Was humpty dumpty in the original Alice in wonderland movie?
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What is the name of the egg in Alice Wonderland?

Humpty Dumpty is the egg-shaped character who appears in Through the Looking Glass, the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Which Lewis Carroll book introduced Humpty Dumpty to the world?

Humpty Dumpty first appeared in Lewis Carroll's book "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There," which is the sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." In the book, Humpty Dumpty is a character who sits on a wall and has a memorable conversation with Alice.

What is speaking in the poem Jabberwocky?

I believe it is Humpty Dumpty speaking to Alice.

Who is the fat fellow encountered by Alice?

The fat fellow encountered by Alice is the Duchess's baby in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." The baby transforms into a pig shortly after Alice meets him.

Who was the first person to draw humpty dumpty as an egg?

Lewis Carroll is often credited with popularizing the image of Humpty Dumpty as an egg in his book "Through the Looking-Glass" published in 1872. However, the character of Humpty Dumpty predates Carroll's book, and the nursery rhyme itself doesn't specify that Humpty Dumpty is an egg.

When was A Humpty Dumpty Thing created?

Humpty dumpty was written in the nineteenth century and was incorporated into the book and later film- Alice in Wonderland, By Lewis Carrol. Of some interest Humpty dumpty and NOT the Mad Hatter was the role played by W.C. Fields in the movie version. I had never seen the film, but always believed that Fields played the Mad Hatter role as he frequntely wore top hats in his act, they were part of his persona.Fields was originally chosed for the title role in The Wizard Of Oz but was passed over in favor of Frank Morgan, Maybe the mysterious palace would have been a Brewery if Fields had his day, pun intended!

What is an Alice in Wonderland quote about what words mean?

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.""The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things.""The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - - that's all."(Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 6)

Who wrote Humpty Dumty Sat on a wall?

The nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" is of uncertain origin and dates back to the early 19th century. It was first published in a collection of English nursery rhymes.

Do any characters die in Alice in Wonderland?

Yes indeed, including Robin himself at the very end. He is poisoned and, knowing that he is dying, takes his bow and shoots an arrow out of the window and asks to be buried wherever the arrow fell. His men honor the request.

Who is he author of the Disney movie Alice in Wonderland?

Lewis Carroll is the original author of "Alice in Wonderland".

Did the original Alice in Wonderland curse?

No. Alice in Wonderland didn't use any profanity or curse words in either the original books or the 1951 Disney animation.

Who played the original Alice in Alice in Wonderland?

In the 1951, Kathryn Beaumont played the voice of Alice.