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I guess you mean the Rosetta Stone, and you mean "translate", not decode.

The biggest problem facing anyone looking at a script like that is not knowing the language. Having some idea of how the language works will always help to discover how the writing works.

Secondly, the reader must decide what kind of script is being used: alphabetical, syllabic, rebus or a mixture of all three.

Without knowing the language that is represented, knowing what kind of message is included is helpful; is it a religious text, a mathematical text, an account of events, a legal document and so on.

A major difficulty was that several important scholars had declared hieroglyphs to be a rebus, where every sign stood for a complete idea, word or even a sentence. This false theory was accepted by many other scholars and it served to lead the translators along the wrong path for some time.

The translators fortunately had a number of useful clues:

  • The Coptic language was still being used in some areas of Egypt and the Coptic language is the very last stage in the evolution of the ancient Egyptian language. Many people looking at hieroglyphs had already studied Coptic.
  • Other hieroglyphic texts had already made them discount an alphabet system, since there were far too many signs in hieroglyphs for it to be purely alphabetic.
  • Champollion was the first to identify the mixed nature of the signs, which are composed of alphabetic, syllabic and ideographic signs as well as others without a sound value at all.
  • The major bonus for translators was the associated text in Greek which could easily be read; this identified the kind of message contained in the inscription, it identified personal and place names, it included numeric values and other helpful elements.

Without the Greek text, translating the hieroglyphs would have been almost impossible.

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11y ago

Each hieroglyph found in pyramids and tombs often symbolized more than one consonant. Actual Egyptian hieroglyph were a combination of sound-signs, pictograms, and ideograms making it hard to decode them.

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7y ago

It is hard, but not impossible. The main challenge is that there are more than 700 common symbols to memorize. Another challenge is the phonetic symbols weren't always written in order of pronunciation; sometimes they were placed according to aesthetic value.

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14y ago

Yes, because you can't get started until you have assembled 7,000 slaves and built a huge Great Pyramid to write them on.

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Jean-Francois Champollion unlocked the hieroglyphics in 1821-22. (Thomas Young was his fellow researcher)

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