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No, because they didn't have cell phones back then.

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Q: Was it possible for Marie Curie to have used her cellphone to tell her daughter to tell that her father died?
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Who is Marie Curie's daughter?

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Who is eve and Irene curie?

Eve Denise Curie Labouisee was a French-American author and writer. Another Eve Curie was the daughter of Marie Curie.

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Who was Marie Curie's Father?

Marie Curie's father was Wladyslaw Sklodowski, a teacher of mathematics and physics.

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Marie Curie and her daughter Irène Joliot-Curie are the only mother-daughter pair to have won Nobel Prizes. Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911, while Irène Joliot-Curie won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935.

Did Marie curie have any kids and what were they called?

Yes, she had a daughter named Irene Joliot-Curie with her husband, Pierre.

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Marie Curie's father was Władysław Skłodowski.

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Marie Curies Daughter, Eve, was born in December of 1904.

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Marie Curie & Irene Curie (mother & daughter) have both one the Nobel Prize.

Who were the women who studied about nuclear?

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