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Q: Was it s good idea to give in to Hitler given what you know happened later?
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What happened on the meeting between Neville Chamberlain and Hitler at Berchtesgaden?

Hitler thought no one would stop his expansion.

How did Hitler get permission to kill the Jews?

1. In March 1933 the Reichstag had given Hitler permission to rule by decree. (However, they did not give him the power to change the constitution). 2. In any case Hitler just went ahead and did as he wished: he didn't 'get permission' for what he did.

Hitler's hail to victory salute?

Hitler adopted the stiff-armed salute for his troops from Benito Mussolini, who had copied the old Roman salute. Hitler went to the extreme had had civilian people punished who would not give the salute. The salute was not given to victory but was given with the verbal salute of "Heil Hitler". ________ Another theory I've heard is that he adopted Mussolini's fascist arm raise only because he had a hand-shaking phobia.

Did Hitler give his troops meth?

Yes he did give his men meth but it was not called meth it was called Hitler's drug.

What did the british refuse to give up after the American revolution?

The British refused to give up the Boston tea and the stamp act, But later they were both given up.

What name did the Nazis give to dealing with the Jews?

It is called the Holocaust, when Nazi Germany executed 600,000,000 Jews. The Germans did not name it that, that is what the event was given for a name for what Adolf Hitler did.

Why did Britain and France give in to Hitler's demand at Munich in 1938?

They did not ultimately give into Hitler's demands they came to an agreement with him that would meet them.

What happened during Hitler's early years?

Hitler was born in austria. he applied for art in the main university but he got rejected. his father was rich and his mother was a Jew. he became homeless and it was then he felt rage against the Jewish community. they would never stop and give him any money. !:)

What is the present perfect tense of give?

The present perfect tense of "give" is "have given".

What would happen if a woman in the later stages of pregnancy were given a combination of estrogen and oxytocin?

She would become a man. A man that would then give birth.

What was the plan to give Hitler whatever he wanted?

Appeasement .

Did Hitler give every German a vw and why?

uh. no.