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Q: Was it the Mayas or Aztecs that played ball game with an rubber ball?
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Did the Aztecs play games with rubber balls?

Yes, the game Tlachtli was played with a rubber ball.

Did Aztec or Mayas play ball game with a rubber ball?

The mayans they called it pok ta top

What is Aztecs entertainment?

The Aztecs played a ball game

What are some Aztec games and recreation?

ok, the aztecs people play a rubber ball

What kind of ball does Mexico use when itza was build?

The Mesoamerican ball game, played by Aztecs and Mayas some 3,000 years before contact with Europeans was made. It was a game similar to racquetball or volleyball, where the object was to keep a solid rubber ball in play. In formal games, the losing team members were sacrificed to the ancient Mesoamerican gods. Due to the extremely brutal game mechanics - even without the human sacrifice - it is now played just for representation purposes.

What did Aztecs do for games?

They had a game called Ullamaliztli."Ullamaliztli, the famous Aztec ball game, was played on a tlachtli ball court (the game is sometimes referred to as Tlachtli). The ball court was one of the first things built when the Aztecs settled a new area, making it the most important of the ancient Aztec games. It was a very difficult game played with a large rubber ball (the name of the game comes from the word ulli, or rubber). The game was not just important for entertainment, but also politics and religion."From

Did the Olmec play sports?

Yes. They invented the Mesoamerican ball game, some 3,000 years before contact with Europeans was made, and later played by both Aztecs and Mayas. It was a game similar to racquetball or volleyball, where the object was to keep a solid rubber ball in play. In formal games, the losing team members were sacrificed to the ancient Mesoamerican gods. Due to the extremely brutal game mechanics - even without the human sacrifice - it is now played just for representation purposes.

What do Aztec's do for fun?

For fun the Aztecs played games.One game was called Tlachtli. tlachtli was a ball game that the Aztecs played for there ruler. tlachtli used a hard rubber ball six inches in diameter.the players wore padding. they couldn't touch the ball with their hands. they could only touch the ball with their hips, knees, legs, and elbows.they also played board games. a popular one was calledpatolli which was a game similar to parcheesi and backgammon.they used beans with painted dots on them for dice.

What do you use to play pok-a-tok?

The game of pok-a-tok was played by the incas, Mayas, & Aztecz. They played with a 6 pound ball.Pok-a-tok was a ball game played by the mayans since 3000BCE. the objective of the game was to get a rubber made ball through a ring using only your head hips and shoulders.whoever lost the team was sacraficed or put into slave labor.

What games did the myans play?

They played with a rubber ball

Describe the Aztec game of ulama?

There is a rubber ball that it's heavy like a size of a head, The Aztecs had to use their hips, knees, and elbows to control the ball. There was no hands included in ulama.

What do olmec do for fun?

The Olmec Played a ball game. The ball was made of sap from the rubber tree