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I recall hearing Wes Craven say at a convention that the origin of Freddy Krueger was based on a homeless man who did scare him as a kid once. I don't remember exactly what happened as he said it, but something to the affect that when Wes was a child, he and his family lived in an apartment complex, and one day he looked outside and locked eyes with this homeless man wearing a striped sweater and brown hat who then sauntered his way up the steps of the complex up to the unit that they were living in. I think that he got his older brother, and he scared him off, but it still scarred the kid though. Once again, this is just my recollection of what he said, I'm sure I'm paraphrasing a bit.

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Q: Was it true Wes Craven as a kid was scared by a disfigured hobo?
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