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Jesus was human, yet divine. He experienced all the thingsother humans do throughout their lives. He caught colds, stubbed his toes, ate, spoke and loved. He was tempted by Satan but He resisted and remained sinless His entire life.

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Q: Was it true or false that Jesus was human like us but never sinned?
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no, Jesus never sinned. he was tempted but never actually sinned. which is ah-mazing

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Jesus has no weaknesses. He is perfect and never sinned.

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no he was not. Jesus Christ came from heaven. He was God sent in human form. He had a spotless life he was perfect never sinned. and then he died on the cross for your sins and rose again 3 days later.

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He was tempted in every way imagined and never sinned.

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He had righteous anger. The Bible says he had never sinned in his lifetime. According to Jesus, hatred is a sin.

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Because He is the Son of God and He never sinned. no to mention, He's coming back!! :)

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Jesus Christ was never married and he never sinned so he is not SUPPOSED to have any living relatives. Whether or not this is true I have no idea.

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Well, the Bible doesn't talk much about Joseph and Jesus' relationship. But the Bible does say Jesus was a joy to his parents because, of course, he never sinned.

Did Jesus played checkers?

He might have as a kid, because it isn't a sin to play checkers, and Jesus never sinned. But he usually sacrificed his time for others, I've never heard of Jesus doing something for himself. Jesus was full of life. He would have participated in whatever the local games were.

Why did God find favor in Mary to be Jesus mother?

God granted the favor to Mary because she never sinned in her life, not even once.