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Q: Was Marylin Monroe's last name actually Baker or Mortenson?
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The person know as 'Marilyn Monroe' doesn't have a middle name. Biological middle name would be 'Jeane'. real name 'Norma Jeane Mortenson' -shana steele

Notma jean motenson baker is better known as whom?

Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles California.

What were Marilyn Monroes real first name?

Marilyn Monroe seemed to have a lot of names. She was baptised Norma Jeane Baker, but the name on her birth certificate was Norma Jeane Mortenson. Later, when she married James Dougherty, she became Norma Jeane Dougherty.

What is Marilyn monore real name?

She was born as Norma Jeane Mortenson, but was later baptised as Norma Jeane Baker.

What is Marilyn Monroes maiden name?

Norma Jeane Baker

What was the name of Marilyn bells parents?

Martin Edward Mortenson and Gladys Pearl Baker.

Marilyn Monroe real name?

Marilyn Monroes real name was Norma Jean Baker

What was Marilyn monroes mum and dads name?

Not as easy as it sounds this one. For a start she was born Norma Jeane Mortenson, but was baptized as Norma Jeane Baker. Her Mum was Gladys Pearl Baker and her fathers name was given as Edward Mortenson but they were allready separated before the prgnancy. It seems she used his name to avoid the stigma of illigitimacy Marilyns mum had told her as a youth that the real father was a Charles Stanley Gifford, showing her a photograph. Her mum put Marilyn with foster parents, Albert and Ida Bolender, and for the first part of her life she believed them to be her parents.

What is Marilyn Monroe's full name?

Norma Jeane Mortenson

What was Marilyn Monroe's real name?

Marilyn Monroe was originally named Norma Jeane Baker. She changed her name in the late 1940s.