

Was motzart deaf

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Was motzart deaf
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motzart was home schooled by his father leoplod motzart

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Motzart composed in the classical period. He actually taught Beethoven.

What age did Motzart die?

motzart died at the age of 35,and wrote 80 songs whale he was alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When did motzart die?

5 December 1791

How many pieces did motzart compose in his life?

about 1,000

What year was Motzart born?

January 27, 1756

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motzart betoven

Who was well know for playing the piano?

Betoven, Motzart, and Bach

What was the composer Morzart's first name?

His name was Wolfgang Amadeus Motzart.

Where did motzart come from?

Born Jan 1756 Salzburg, in what is now Austria