

Was nimrod black

Updated: 10/31/2022
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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Yes nimrod is black, to prove this go back to the book of genessis which states that nimrod was the son of cush and the grandson of noah cush is the father of all ethiopian people nimrod is said to buil the mighty ancent city of babylon an nineveah

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Q: Was nimrod black
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Yes they were being the nephews of Abraham who was from Ur of the Chaldea. This land was ruled by Nimrod son of Ham which is Africa in the Bible. However like mostbtakeovers in the middle east and africa you have an arab people claiming to be these two nations as they claim also to be the Egyptians. Satan is smart, you be smarter. Do your research.

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Black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people

What is black on black pottery?

Black on black pottery is a pot originally made from pueblo indians and it is when they style pots with only black.

Are black beetles black?

Yes, the beetles answering to the common name of 'black beetles' are in fact black in color.

What is a black metaller?

A black metaller is a person who is a fan of black metal music.

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