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Athens was part of the Delian League and Sparta was part of the Peloponnesian League. -Ava :)

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Q: Was not a member of the delian league Athens or Sparta?
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Did Athens form the Delian League with other city-states including Sparta?

Yes, but Sparta was not included in the Delian League - it was a member of the Peloponnesian League.

Why should Athens go to war with Spartans EXPLAIN PLEASEEE?

After the Persian War, Athens converted the anti-Persian Delian League which it led into an empire of its own. Using this power, it became aggressive against some of the other independent city-states, culminating in its attempt to bankrupt its neighbour Megara, a member of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. Sparta appealed to Athens to back off, Athens refused and war ensued.

What led to the Peloponnesian war?

Jealousy manifested between Sparta and Athens as Sparta controlled the Peloponnesian League and Athens's controlled city and state governments in Greece. The war resulted in Sparta and Athens's quest to have ultimate control over the country's military and government.Athens, having established an empire out of the Delian League city-states it led against Persia, began to use this power to interfere in the affairs of other Greek cities, culminating in trying to bankrupt Megara, a member of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. Athens ignored appeals by Sparta to back off, refused War then broke out.

Was not a member of Delian League?


Did Sparta and Athens for an alliance during the peloponnesian war?

The actual trigger was Athens' ruinous trading ban on its neighbour Megara, which was a member of the Peloponnesian League headed by Sparta which was opposing Athenian expansionism. The League asked Athens to rescind the ban, Athens refused and war broke out.

How did the growth of Athenian power contribute to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War?

Athens , a sea power ,sought to exploit her neighbors commercially through the dominance of her navy to the detriment of Sparta , a land based power , and other city-states . This led to many wars.

What was one of the reasons that the Peloponnesian War began?

After the Persians agreed to peace in 449 BCE, Athens converted the Delian League which it had led against the Persian Empire in the later stages of the war into an empire of its own. It used this power to intervene on the affairs of other city-states, which were members of the Peloponnesian League which was led by Sparta.including a dispute between Corinth and Corcyra and an attempt to take out Potidaea. Athens then tried to bankrupt its neighbour Megara. As Megara was a member of the Peloponnesian League, it appealed to Sparta to intervene. Sparta asked Athens to back off, it refused and war broke out.

Why did Athens and Sparta go to war?

Peloponnesian War"The Spartans voted that the treaty had been broken, and that war must be declared, not so much because they were persuaded by the arguments of the allies, as because they feared the growth of the power of the Athenians, seeing most of Hellas already subject to them" Book One, Chapter 88 Landmark Thucydides .Sparta was afraid of the growing power of their rival city-state, Athens

What was the peloponnesian war and what was the outcome?

Athens, having converted the anti-Persian Delian League into an empire of its own, after Persia agreed to peace, used this 0power to intervene in the affairs of other Greek city-states. After a series of interventions, Athens tried to bankrupt its neighbour Megara. As a member of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta, Megara appealed to them. Athens was told to back off, refused and war broke out, the devastating 27-year Peloponnesian War, which Athens lost and was stripped of its empire.

Why were many of the Greek poli (city-states) unhappy with Athens in the years before the Peloponnesian War?

After the Persian invasion of Greece was turned back in 479 BCE under the leadership of Sparta, Athens took over leadership of the city-states in Asia Minor which had been liberated from Persian rule and formed them into the Delian League as a defensive alliance. After 30 years of failed attempts to reclaim the cities, Persia gave up and left the League to its own devices. Even with the threat gone, Athens continued to collect the annual tax which funded the League, by force where necessary, and spent the money on itself and on maintaining the navy which enforced the tax. Athenian inscriptions show heavy casualties of its army each year, including years in which Athens was not fighting any war with its neighbours or Persia, so these arose from its annual tax enforcement. This enforcement went as far as assaulting, capturing and looting recalcitrant cities of the League, which Athens had converted to an empire. One city Mytilene had its people sold into slavery as an example to the others; the citizens of Samos were branded in the forehead to remind them not to revolt again. The proceeds - originally to pay for the navy which protected them from Persia - were spent by Athens on beautifying its city (Parthenon etc) and putting half of Athens' citizens on its public payroll. And not satisfied with this empire, Athens started standing over cities of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta, culminating with trying to bankrupt Megara, a member of that league. At the behest of the League, Sparta demanded that Athens back off, it refused, and all out war ensued.

How did rivalry between Athens and Sparta lead to the Peloponnesian War?

There was not rivalry. Sparta, although militarily powerful, was usually reluctant to go to war. Athens, overconfident with the power it gained from its empire, was aggressive and interfered in the affairs of other cities. Sparta appealed to Sparta to back off when it tried to bankrupt Megara, a member of the Peloponnesian League, A rampant Athens persisted and war ensued.

Who started the Peloponnesian War?

Athens used the power of its empire to intervene in the affairs of the southern Greek cities in the Peloponnesian Peninsula and their colonies. These incursions were principally in Corcyra and Potidaea and finally its trade rival Megara which Athens set out to bankrupt. The Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta, of which Megara was a member, demanded that Athens cease this; Athens refused and war broke out.