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There are traces of religio-magick practices found as far back as the Paleolithic times. Many pagan religions utilize relgio-magick as their method of worship

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Q: Was paganism the first religion practiced in the first civilization?
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What is worlds first civilization and religion?

If you believe in creationism, that is the first religion. from a nonsecular point of view, the early African tribes in the paleolithic times practiced something called sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic were rituals and dances that supposedly brought fortune to a hunt or encounter. Arguably this is the first religion, little is known about the practices other than this though.

When was neo paganism developed?

Neo paganism in the sense of "Wicca" specifically owes its new lease on life mostly thanks to Dr. Gerald Gardner who was the first witch to speak up about witchcraft being a true religion that is still practiced today. This occured shortly after the last law against witchcraft was repealed in 1951. It has been a growing movement ever since.

Where was the first place in America where religion was practised?

Religion was practiced by the indigenous peoples of the Americas probably for tens of thousands of years. If the land bridge of the northwest really was the means of egress from Asia into the Americas, then religion was first practiced in what is now Canada and the northwest US.

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What religion was first practiced in the first civilization?

The first civilization to have a recorded religious system was ancient Mesopotamia, where the Sumerians practiced a polytheistic religion. Their beliefs included gods and goddesses who controlled natural phenomena and aspects of daily life. The Sumerians built temples called ziggurats to honor their deities and performed rituals and sacrifices to gain favor with them.

How did Islam become the worlds first global civilization?

Islam is a religion, not a civilisation.

When did religion start and how and why?

Judaism was the first religion to be practiced, though I can't place a time on when it started I can however tell you why. Religion mainly answers what happens after death and how we got here.

Are Roman catholics a modern version of paganism today?

No, Roman Catholics are not a modern version of paganism. Roman Catholicism is a Christian religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the traditions of the early Christian Church, while paganism refers to ancient polytheistic religions that worshiped multiple gods and goddesses. The two belief systems are distinct and have different theological foundations.

How old is paganism?

Paganism is as old as the Civilization of Humankind. Pagan beliefs started when people started thinking about the natural phenomenon, Moon, phases, Season changes, Rain and Thundering, Tree growth, Harvesting and the Breeding of Prey animal, Maintaining Livestock etc.Another ThoughtPaganism is the original spiritualism, dating back past the civilization of humankind and originating at the point where we (as a species) became self aware. The first creature to raise its head and look at the stars with fear and wonder harboured the seeds of paganism in its breast.

What religion was celebrated in Rhode island?

Roger Williams (I think that's his name) was one of the Englishmen who first practiced the Baptist faith.

The colonist in Massachusetts practiced a form of democracy first practiced in?

This was first practiced by the Pilgrims in the 1620's.

Which civilization started first?

Though many say it was the Indians, many forget that they were the first religion. The first civilization were the Sumerians of Mesopotamia. Many others may have been considered earlier, but they may have just started a few centuries or so after wards.