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no quarry was not used to build the pyramids, limestone was

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6mo ago

Yes, limestone quarries were used to extract the stones needed to build the pyramids in ancient Egypt. The most famous quarry used for this purpose is the Tura quarry, located near Cairo, which provided the fine white limestone used for the outer casing of the pyramids. Other quarries, such as those at Giza and Aswan, also supplied the necessary stones for construction.

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When they build the pyramids?

The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as monumental tombs for their pharaohs. The construction process involved thousands of laborers working for many years to quarry, transport, and stack massive stones. The pyramids were designed to help the pharaohs reach the afterlife.

What did the slaves use to build the pyramids?

Slaves were likely not used to build the pyramids in ancient Egypt. Most evidence suggests that the pyramids were constructed by skilled Egyptian laborers, not slaves. These laborers were well-fed, had housing, and were respected members of the community, working in rotating shifts on a seasonal basis.

Did the Olmecs build pyramids?

Yes, the Olmecs are known to have built pyramids, particularly at sites like La Venta in present-day Mexico. These pyramids were part of ceremonial complexes and were used for religious and ritual purposes.

What are two questions i can ask about pyramids?

How were the ancient Egyptian pyramids constructed and what techniques were used to build such monumental structures? What is the significance of the shape and design of pyramids in ancient cultures and what purposes did they serve, such as religious, burial, or architectural significance?

How were wooden wedges used to build the pyramids?

Wooden wedges were used to split stone blocks from quarries by soaking them in water to expand and create pressure, forcing the stone to crack. These split stones were then transported and assembled to build the pyramids. The precise placement of the wedges allowed for controlled splitting of the stone blocks.

Related questions

Were wedges used to build pyramids?

yes wedges were used to build a pyramids and it was used for braking the rocks or cut and so they can build a pyramids

Why the stones used to build the pyramids at this time were taken from nearby rock quarries?

We don’t know the time you are asking about, but there were no nearby quarries near the pyramids. The quarry is at least a 100 miles from the pyramid on the Gaza Strip.

What did the mayans use to build the pyramids?

Rossetta stone was used to build some of the pyramids.

What were the materials used for making pyramids?

They used limestone blocks to build the pyramids

Where did the materials come from for pyramids?

Limestone was used to build the pyramids.

Why is the pythagorean theorem used in pyramids?

pythagoreans theorem was used to help build the pyramids

How did pyramids build?

They used sun dried mud bricks, it wasn't easy to build them. It took about 20 years to build pyramids.

Who was used to build the pyramids?

the lowest bidder

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Did camels get used for building pyramids?

No. Camels did not build pyramids, they were built by human slaves

Why did slaves use ropes and ramps to build the pyramids?

Slaves used ropes used ropes and ramps to build the PYRAMIDS , as the stones [building blocks of pyramids] were too heavy to carry with hands or on their backs.

Where is limestone from that they used to build the pyramids?

lower egypt