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Q: Was rugged mountains good or bad for travel?
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My family and I saw a mesa while we were drving across the mountains. ( sorry if its bad )

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global warming is both good and bad.

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There has NEVER been a bad time for an American to be in Israel.

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They are normally bad because it doesn't help country's get ahead with out being taxed a whole bunch! There's also natural barriers like mountains and rivers which limit trade.

What do mountains give us?

The mountains give us fress water. They also crate a bourder which can be good or bad, like in the middel east. They also have fertil soil which is good. This is all i can think of hope it was helpfull. 3/31/2013 4:03pm sunday

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The good thing about light bulb is that it gives us light to see where ever we go or travel.

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totally depends on your definition of bad weather. wind could be good and bad depending on which direction. the ball won't go as far if it is raining. and if it is extremely cold, the ball won't travel as far