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If you were never served, you would need to file a motion to dismiss the civil case. In order to be lawfully sued, you must be served.

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Q: Was sued in forecloser court but was never served a summons and did not know about the case what can I do Indiana?
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Summons not served?

If the summons is not served, it will be returned to the court. The only time a summons is not served is if you are not home, or they have a wrong address for you.

Defendant is served with a SUMMONS and is required to?

Appear in court.

How long after your served with a summons does it take to get garnished or court?

After being served with a summons, the process for garnishment or court action can vary depending on the specific details of the case. Generally, it may take several weeks to several months for a judgment to be entered against you and for garnishment or court proceedings to begin. It is important to review the summons carefully and seek legal advice to understand the specific timeline and your options.

I would like to know what are correct ways to go about the process of having someone served papers or being served court papers.?

The court issues a summons or process and a sheriff or summons server delivers it to the individual. Papers are served as a result of an action filed with the court, then the court notifies those involved that they must appear.

Can you be served a court summons at church i.e. at Sunday Morning Service?

It would be in poor taste, but a summons can be issued anywhere they expect you to be.

Is there a time frame that summons to appear has to be served before a set court date?

There is no set time frame for the amount of time a summons must be served before a set court date. Each court; criminal, small claims, family has its own set of rules.

Is there a difference between a summons and an answer to a complaint?

Yes, a summons is a requirement to be someplace, normally at a court or deposition. The answer to a complaint is the response to a complaint that has been filed with the court and served on the other side.

What does it mean if the docket says disposition dismissed by all parties but a summons was still served?

If a summons was served in this case, it would be a smart idea to respond to it. You can ask your question in court at that time.

Does your son have to go to court to be a witness?

If he has been served with a subpoena or a summons, yes, he must.

Are you in contempt of court?

Defendant was served compalaints and summons and defedant chose to prcoeed with other action

What are the consequences of not attending a court summons in Indiana?

When a person has been arrested, they must attend court to face the charges brought against them. The consequences for not attending a court summons or subpoena as a witness to a crime, the court can issue a failure to appear warrant in the state of Indiana.

Do police have to issue summons?

In some situations, police officers have the discretion to issue a summons or a ticket instead of making an arrest. However, they must follow procedures and guidelines set by the law and their department. Whether a summons is issued depends on the circumstances of the case.