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No, it was a British expression.


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Q: Was the Atlantic wall in World War 2 actually a wall?
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Who was the general was in charge of the Atlantic wall during World War 2?

Rommel !

Why was the D-Day invasion an important outcome of World War 2?

It was important for British morale to breach the Atlantic Wall and fight in Europe again

How was the island of Cézembre used in wartime?

During World War I, the Belgian Army installed a disciplinary company on Cézembre. During World War II, the island's fortifications were strengthened by the Germans and Italians as part of the Atlantic Wall.

How many gold stars are there on the Freedom Wall at the World War 2 memorial?

There are 4000 stars to honor the dead from World War II CORRECTION: Actually there are 4048* stars

Which ocean was the US Atlantic ship in during world war 11?

The Atlantic

What was the longest war in World War I?

there is none. the longest war in world war 1 is world war 1. it would have to be the longest battle. :)*

Use of German submarines in the Atlantic?

The Germans have used submarines in the Atlantic at various times in the past, including today. Atlantic submarine activity was a key theater of both World War I and World War II.

What are the causes of the Atlantic Charter?

The Atlantic Charter was a policy that declared the Allies goals for the world once World War II was over. It was World War II itself that caused the creation of this statement.

Was the north Atlantic treaty organization created after World War 1?

It was created after World war 2

Who did the US help in World War I?

The US helped France in world war 1 with submarines in the Atlantic.

Where were the German submarines in World War 1?

Atlantic Ocean.

Who won the Atlantic battle during world war 2?

The Battle of the Atlantic was won by Britain and her Allies .